Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How Racist Framing in the Media leads to stereotyped views in the Public

 Racism, something that has been around in America for as long as anyone can remember it. It affects each and every race in negative ways. Racism is a term to describe a belief that all members of a race carry characteristics specific to that one race and is used in order to make a race feel inferior or superior when compared with another one. Racism is not a thing that is used behind closed doors like the general perception is, it is very much so out in the public and is even used when getting national attention such as national news casts. The media is to blame for much of the racism being used in todays society by the way they frame stories that contain races, such as African Americans for a prime example.

One of the most important pieces when presenting topics for media is the use of framing. Framing is a way in which the media will use their own classification and interpretation to organize, format and influence a news story and cases upon their viewers. Framing often affects the way that viewers listen whether it be in a positive or even negative manner. The media often frames the way they use terms that refer to ethnicity in condescending manners, making the public associate these terms with being inferior.

News companies all hold their own original bias' which influence how they broadcast news and stories
In news and media all reporters are supposed to present a balanced report in order to report accurate information. However all reporters start out with their own personal opinions and bias' that influence how they are presenting media and news coverages throughout their career. Their backgrounds, such as how they've grown up, create their personal opinions. This video of Andrew Bechtold, a freshman here at the University of Maryland, believes that each reporter is a complete professional but each hold strong bias' for what they are reporting on. According to a study done most Americans believe that there is some bias, there is a mentality that news reporters in the same organizations have that is very similar to their coworkers and because of this information is skewed and often one sided. This bias often has to do with their political background and affiliation, which has based their views and opinions.

Many News Companies hide their obvious racism but in turn will frame subjects so it works to provide negative views

pot Racist Racism fox news injustice marijauna marijuana legalization asshole of the day pot smoking martha maccallum The media is an integral part of our American society, they provide us with the important information from a large pool of knowledge. However they will often provide news casts that identify people of different cultural backgrounds with terms that separate them as being different. Terms such as "they" and "we" help to differentiate and create skewed opinions of said people. For example Fox News is a station which throughout the past has been known for their usage of stereotypes when covering topics that concern those of African American descent. This video is of David Jaklitsch, a freshman here at the University of Maryland. David believes that Fox News paints a picture of African Americans one way to best get across their point of view. This shows that depending on their views media corporations will show some racism to get across a picture of who they are reporting about. For example during the incidents in Ferguson, Missouri Fox News covered only the stories that showed instances of African Americans committing crimes such as looting and burning. While many other News corporations focused on the possibility there being a serious racism case and the fact that strong racism can be prevalent here in the United States here today, Fox only covered the incidents where riots were taking place and condemning them to their utmost ability. When experts came on to talk about possibilities of what was happening Fox shot down oppositions and insinuated that the reason that those with Black heritage could be being treated unfairly is the fact that they would do things like this.

Viewpoints of Media/News casts influence the attitudes of the Public, even in Negative aspects
Often times in news broadcasts, articles and reports there is some kind of crime that has just been committed somewhere within the United States. Whether it be a killing, a robbery or some type of assault, there is always some type of suspect the Police or news have pinned to be connected to the crime. Much of the time when someone is connected to crimes, often the person is that of a minority. This doesn't mean that this person is the one getting arrested but that they are just a suspect in the crime. However because of this that person and their ethnic background has already been compared to as being a criminal. For example when news stories say that a black man is the main suspect in this case or the main culprit is a Chinese there is an indirect connection between the racial background of the person and the crime being committed.  This means that in the viewers head they are already connecting this person and their ethnicity to crimes and to a negative viewpoint. This video is from Zach Jancarski, another freshman here at the University of Maryland, he believes that the media shines negative light and opinion upon people such as African Americans. Because the media is looked at as a window to the world people will perceive what they say to almost be reality. This is why the media along with newscasts and articles can be so influential to the public. This graph provides answers from a survey given out that asked people to answer a question based upon those races, if any, media targets in its coverages. As seen by the results people believed that out of 11 people who responded all 11 replied with African Americans while others were also pointed out in their responses.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The change of use video games over the course of life due to more strenuous tasks at hand

One video game I used to play as a kid was the Call of Duty series of games. I had loved the games ever since i started playing the online version of it in Modern Warfare which was the 4th game to come out. I dont know what really made me love it, maybe it was the fact that the graphics were so good and it was one of the first serious online shooter games I had ever played. Then Modern Warfare 2 came out and I was instantly addicted. All my friends played the game and there were so many people online who played it that it was never hard to find a game to play online. I loved it, during the summer I would be on it late at night for hours on end because it was so addicting. The graphics were unreal in the game, I could see every detail in every gun, person or landscape. It made the game so much more fun to play knowing that I geniunely felt like I could witness everything that was going on. I will admit there was some peer pressure, I mean I had the game before-hand but it really started to become big and all of my friends played it, so that kind of made me get into the online gaming aspect of said game. From then on however I fell in love with the game.

The change of playtime due to growth in age and workload
The reason i slowed down and eventually stopped playing the series Call of Duty was because I started to grow older and with that came more work for my courses as well as more workload to carry for baseball. During the school year I would have have plenty of homework every night from my AP courses that would take a few hours on end to complete. This left very little time for me to get on my XBox and play the Call of Duty games. On top of that as I entered High School I became more addicted to baseball, I was constantly practicing and had games throughout the week and even over the course of the summer that just left me absolutely exhausted. I could never really find the time to sit down and enjoy the online gaming experience or just even play the game regularly in general. Eventually I had kind of forgotten about the game in general and was so caught up in studies and focusing on improving in my baseball career that playing Xbox and specifically my favorite game in general had become a serious afterthought. It just really wasnt on my mind nearly as much as it had been beforehand. I was too caught up in things that were more important overall and in my longterm success than the game itself. I dont mean to say that I never played it again but I was on maybe for 10% of what I had been in the past. It was a completely different lifestyle change for me. My parents had told me that video games would not help me as I transitioned to harder classes that would require more focus and work which I didn't realize after my first semester. However when I saw the affect I quickly learned and changed my habits. These changes just stuck around and video games became a much smaller part in my life. The life I had taken on in in high school to achieve what I wanted didn't have video games as a main aspect in it. I had to change the way I went about my daily life which eventually put video games out of the picture.

How Video Games Bring Older Audiences into the picture by offering exciting, detailed graphics and connect-ability through the online game play by which people of all ages can relate
The video games in recent years(ever since there has been online play) has encompassed groups of all ages. People of an older generation will be involved with video games especially the online play because it connects them with other people as well as being able to compete online with high quality graphics and with people from around the globe. Being able to play with people around the globe in the comfort of your own home has grown on many people. Personally I knew of at least 5 teachers when I was in high school that played any type of online video game whether it was on their computer or through a console sold by Sony or Microsoft. The online game play brings people of all ages together by pitting themselves against one another to see either how good they are or to team up with one another. This aspect of the game has not changed throughout the years but the graphics have, the graphics have made a dramatic increase to their quality which will still encompass those of an older generation. (30+years)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The difficulty of being Christian in the Middle East due to constant perilous danger

Christians light candles last month in the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus.This picture to the left is representing the catholic society in the Middle East. However this picture also represents a larger more in depth look into Catholicism in the Middle East. Catholics that venture into the Middle East are so often persecuted and not able to openly, safely be devout without risking their lives.
 Catholics have been trying to venture to where Jesus' footprints were originally left but the radicals of Islam have been causing great difficulty by openly persecuting, kidnapping and even killing Christians who venture over there.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Information Society, Where Processing Information Now Plays A Vital Role In Human Behavior

1. The term "information society" to me means a society where the processing of information has an astounding impact on everyday life. It is more of a modern term as well because the amount of information that has become readily available to us in the last 15 years or so is incredible. According to James Beniger's book The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society, the information society "exposes the centrality of information processing... to all aspects of human society and social behavior."

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


My name is Jack and I am a freshman at the University of Maryland. I am from Blue Point, New York which is on Long Island. I am also part of the Baseball team here at UMD as a pitcher and cant wait to get our first season in the Big Ten underway. I am currently in the Smith Business school here but haven't yet decided which path I want to travel on the business road.My interests include sports, relaxation and gambling from time to time.